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Developer FAQ

How do I render the authorization screen?

You can trigger the trustedlogin/{namespace}/auth_screen action to render the authorization screen. The proper JS and CSS files will be enqueued automatically:

<h1>My Plugin</h1>

<p>This is a page inside my plugin.</p>

// Render the TrustedLogin Grant Support Access screen.
do_action( 'trustedlogin/{namespace}/auth_screen' );

<p>More content here.</p>

What happens if TrustedLogin service is down?

If the TrustedLogin service is down, the user will be presented with a button to contact support. That button points to the the Support URL (vendor/support_url) setting passed to the Config object.

If my vendor/namespace isn't unique, what happens?

There will be an issue generating the login screen, but it will cause no security problems. The namespace is not used in encryption or when generating the requests to your website. compliance

TrustedLogin requires user action to provide logins. This is in compliance with

All files (vendor logo, CSS, and JS files) must be local (using plugin_dir_url() or similar) to comply with rules.