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Client Configuration

Minimal configuration

When instantiating the TrustedLogin Client class, you need to pass a valid Config object.

The following is a minimal configuration. It has all the required settings, but not all recommended settings!

$config = [
'auth' => [
'api_key' => '1234567890',
'vendor' => [
'namespace' => 'pro-block-builder',
'title' => 'Pro Block Builder',
'email' => '',
'website' => '',
'support_url' => '',
'role' => 'editor',

When you see ProBlockBuilder, this is a placeholder. Make sure to replace with your own namespace!

In the examples on this page, we're going to pretend your plugin or theme is named "Pro Block Builder" and your business is named Widgets, Co. These should not be the names you use—make sure to update the sample code below to match your business and plugin/theme name!

A more complete configuration

The following is a more complete configuration. It includes all the settings that can be configured.

$config = [
'auth' => [
'api_key' => '12345678',
'vendor' => [
'namespace' => 'pro-block-builder',
'title' => 'Pro Block Builder',
'email' => '',
'website' => '',
'support_url' => '',
'logo_url' => plugins_url( 'path/to/logo/image/logo.svg', EXAMPLE_PBB_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ),
'role' => 'editor',
'clone_role' => false,
'menu' => [
'slug' => 'example', // This is the `page` attribute of top-level menu item (eg: `admin.php?page=example`).
'title' => esc_html__( 'Grant Site Access', 'pro-block-builder' ),
'webhook' => [
'url' => '', // Zapier webhook URL.
'debug_data' => true,
'create_ticket' => true,

All configuration options

auth/api_keystringThe TrustedLogin key for the vendor, found in "API Keys" on
auth/license_keystring, nullIf enabled, the license key for the current client. This is used as a lookup value when integrating with help desk support widgets. If not defined, a cryptographic hash will be generated to use as the Access Key.null
rolestringThe role to clone when creating a new Support User.editor
clone_roleboolIf true, create a new role with the same capabilites as the role setting. If false, use the defined role setting.true
vendor/namespacestringSlug for vendor. Must be unique. Must be shorter than 96 characters. Cannot be a reserved namespace. (learn more about the vendor namespace setting below)null
vendor/titlestringName of the vendor company. Used in text such as Visit the %s websitenull
vendor/emailstringEmail address for support. Used when creating usernames. Recommended: use {hash} dynamic replacement (see below).null
vendor/websitestringURL to the vendor website. Must be a valid URL.null
vendor/support_urlstringURL to the vendor support page. Shown to users in the Grant Access form and also serves as a backup to redirect users if the TrustedLogin server is unreachable. Must be a valid URL.null
vendor/display_namestringOptional. Display name for the support team. See "Display Name vs Title" below.null
vendor/logo_urlstringOptional. URL to the vendor logo. Displayed in the Grant Access form. May be inline SVG. Must be local to comply with
caps/addarrayAn array of additional capabilities to be granted to the Support User after their user role is cloned based on the role setting.

The key is the capability slug and the value is the reason why it is needed. Example: [ 'gf_full_access' => 'Support will need to see and edit the forms, entries, and Gravity Forms settings on your site.' ]
caps/removearrayAn array of capabilities you want to remove from Support User. If you want to remove access to WooCommerce, for example, you could remove the manage_woocommerce cap by using this setting: [ 'manage_woocommerce' => 'We don\'t need to manage your shop!' ].[]
decayintIf defined, how long should support be granted access to the site? Defaults to a week in seconds (604800). Minimum: 1 day (86400). Maximum: 30 days (2592000). If decay is not defined, support access will not expire.604800
menu/slugstring,null,falseTrustedLogin adds a submenu item to the sidebar in the Dashboard. The menu/slug setting is the slug name for the parent menu (or the file name of a standard WordPress admin page). If null, the a top-level menu will be added. If false, a menu item will not be added. If a string, it will be used as the $parent_slug argument passed to the add_submenu_page() function.null
menu/titlestringThe title of the submenu in the sidebar menu.Grant Support Access
menu/icon_urlstringThe URL to the icon to be used for this menu. The value is passed as $icon_url to the add_menu_page() function.'' (empty string)
menu/priorityintThe priority of the admin_menu action used by TrustedLogin.100
menu/positionint, float, nullThe $position argument passed to the add_submenu_page() function function.null
logging/enabledboolIf enabled, logs are stored in wp-content/uploads/trustedlogin-logsfalse
logging/directorynull,stringOverride the directory where logs are stored. See Logging for more information.null
logging/thresholdstringDefine what PSR log level should be logged. To log everything, set the threshold to debug.notice
logging/optionsarrayArray of KLogger Additional Options['extension' => 'log', 'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d G:i:s.u', 'filename' => null, 'flushFrequency' => false, 'logFormat' => false, 'appendContext' => true ]
paths/cssstringWhere to load CSS assets from. By default, the bundled TrustedLogin CSS file will be used. Must be local to comply with{plugin_dir_url() to Config.php}/assets/trustedlogin.css
paths/jsstringWhere to load JS assets from. By default, the bundled TrustedLogin JS file will be used. Must be local to comply with{plugin_dir_url() to Config.php}/assets/trustedlogin.js
reassign_postsboolWhen the Support User is revoked, should posts & pages be re-assigned to a site administrator? If false, posts and pages created by the user will be deleted. Passed as the second argument to the wp_delete_user() function.

When reassign_posts setting is enabled, TrustedLogin will attempt to assign posts created by the user to the best-guess administrator: the user with the longest-active administrator role.
require_sslboolWhether to use TrustedLogin when the site isn't served over HTTPS. TrustedLogin will still work, but the requests may not be secure. If false, the TrustedLogin "Grant Access" button will take users to the vendor/support_url URL directly.true
terms_of_service/urlnull,stringThe URL to the vendor's Terms of Service. If defined, a message "By granting access, you agree to the Terms of Service." will be added below the Grant Access button. Added in 1.6.0.null
webhook/urlstringIf defined, TrustedLogin will send a POST request to the defined URL. Must be a valid URL if defined. See the Webhooks section below.null
webhook/debug_databoolWhether to show the user an opt-in consent checkbox to send debugging data (the Site Health report) to the Webhook. Only relevant if webhook/url is defined and a valid URL.false
webhook/create_ticketboolWhether to show the user a form to send a message to support via the Webhook. Only relevant if webhook/url is defined and a valid URL.false


We recommend disabling logging.

When logging is enabled, TrustedLogin logs to the wp-content/uploads/trustedlogin-logs/ directory by default.

  1. TrustedLogin creates a trustedlogin-logs directory inside the wp-content/uploads/ directory.
  2. An empty index.html file is placed inside the directory to prevent browsing.
  3. New log files are created daily for each TrustedLogin namespace. The default log filename format is client-debug-{Y-m-d}-{hash}.log
    • {namespace} is the namespace of your business, plugin, or theme name
    • {date} is YYYY-MM-DD format
    • The hash is generated using wp_hash() using on the vendor/namespace, site home_url(), and the day of the year (date('z')). The point of the hash is to make log names harder to guess (security by obscurity).

Using your own logging library

If you add an action for trustedlogin/{namespace}/logging/log, TrustedLogin will let you handle logging. The trustedlogin-logs directory and log files will not be created.

Default settings:

'logging' => [
'enabled' => false,
'directory' => null,
'threshold' => 'debug',
'options' => [],


Optional. Default: false

Whether to enable logging TrustedLogin activity to a file. Helpful for debugging.

To enable logging in TrustedLogin, the minimum configuration necessary is:

'logging' => [
'enabled' => true,


Optional. Default: null

If null, TrustedLogin will generate its own directory inside the wp-content/uploads/ directory. The path for logs is /wp-content/uploads/trustedlogin-logs/. Created directories are protected by an index.html file to prevent browsing.


Optional. Default: debug

This setting defines the level of logging that should be recorded.

The default setting if logging is to record all logs (debug).

The available options include the logging levels defined in PSR-3 Psr\Log\LogLevel:

  • emergency
  • alert
  • critical
  • error
  • warning
  • notice
  • info
  • debug

Setting logging/threshold to error will record logs with the level of error and above (error, critical, alert, and emergency).


Optional. Default: []

This setting can be used to pass additional options to the Logger class. The TrustedLogin Logger class is based on KLogger. See the KLogger docs for more information.

Log file names

There is one log file generated per day. Log file names use a hash to make them more secure by obscurity, in this format: trustedlogin-debug-{{Date in Y-m-d format}}-{{hash}}.log

Example: trustedlogin-debug-2020-07-27-39dabe12636f200938bbe8790c0aef94.log

Vendor namespaces

Namespaces are used to isolate your TrustedLogin configuration from other plugins or themes that may also use TrustedLogin. They must be unique.

Some of the places the namespace is used include:

  • The default dashboard URL for the Grant Access page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=grant-{namespace}-access
  • The WP Login Grant access URL: wp-login.php?action=trustedlogin&ns={namespace}
  • The user role created for support access: {namespace}-support
  • The CSS classes used in the Grant Access form
  • Actions and filters (eg: trustedlogin/{namespace}/access/created)
  • The name of the constant to disable TrustedLogin (eg: TRUSTEDLOGIN_DISABLE_{NAMESPACE})
  • As part of a hash for the log file name

Reserved namespaces

The following namespaces are reserved and cannot be used:

  • trustedlogin
  • trusted-login
  • client
  • vendor
  • admin
  • administrator
  • wordpress
  • support

Display Name vs Title

If vendor/title is set to GravityView, the default confirmation screen will say Grant GravityView access to your site.

When vendor/display_name is also defined, the text will read GravityView Support, the default confirmation screen will say Grant GravityView Support access to your site.

Task-specific email addresses

In order to prevent email address collision, we recommend using "plus addresses" (also called "task-specific email addresses") for your vendor/email setting.

Rather than, use support+{hash} {hash} will be dynamically replaced when used in the email address.

This is supported by many email providers, including Gmail, Microsoft, Fastmail, and ProtonMail.

Invalid capabilities

The Support User will be created based on the role defined in the configuration (see configuration above).

The following capabilities are never allowed when creating users through TrustedLogin, regardless of the role:

  • create_users
  • delete_users
  • edit_users
  • promote_users
  • delete_site
  • remove_users

A goal for TrustedLogin is to instill confidence in the end user that they are not creating security holes when granting support access to their site.


If the webhook_url setting is set and is a valid URL, the URL will be sent a POST request when creating a Support User, extending access, or revoking access.

urlstringThe site URL from where the webhook was triggered, as returned by get_site_url()
actionstringThe type of trigger: created, extended, or logged_in, or revoked
refstring,nullA sanitized reference ID, if passed. Otherwise, null.
debug_datastringThe Site Health report in Markdown formatting. This key is only set for the trustedlogin/{namespace}/access/created action, and only if the user opted-in. Added in 1.4.0.
ticketarrayThe unmodified message created by the user. This key is only set for the trustedlogin/{namespace}/access/created action, and only if the message is not empty. Added in 1.5.0.

The default actions that trigger webhooks to run are:

  • trustedlogin/{namespace}/access/created
  • trustedlogin/{namespace}/access/extended
  • trustedlogin/{namespace}/access/revoked
  • trustedlogin/{namespace}/logged_in

See hook documentation.