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Working with Vault

An instance of HashiCorp Vault is used to store all sensitive data about customer sites.

  • The URL of Vault is:
  • The "app's auth token" Refers to the token used to identify this app, with Vault.
    • This token should grant the ability to take these actions and no others.
  • The "SaaS Token" is documented here

Check TTL Of Auth Token

To check the TTL of the current token used by the app to authenticate against vault:

  • API Docs

  • URI - /v1/auth/token/lookup-self

  • HTTP Method - GET

  • Required Headers 'X-Vault-Token':<token>

  • Request Body: None

  • Example Response:

"request_id": "ac4a1ed6-64f7-6cca-2f38-182efdf37e4a",
"lease_id": "",
"renewable": false,
"lease_duration": 0,
"data": {
"accessor": "X9H1u4IrPFgbUmjhToXtH5mq",
"creation_time": 1557336326,
"creation_ttl": 0,
"display_name": "root",
"entity_id": "",
"expire_time": null,
"explicit_max_ttl": 0,
"id": "s.KODayxpVxBLBw8MxZdRKTU7r",
"meta": null,
"num_uses": 0,
"orphan": true,
"path": "auth/token/root",
"policies": [
"ttl": 0,
"type": "service"
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": null

Renew Auth Token

To renew the app's auth token for longer use:

  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/auth/token/renew-self
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"increment": "42h"
  • Example Response:
"request_id": "e113b883-0241-e8f0-39a9-b1fded129c63",
"lease_id": "",
"renewable": false,
"lease_duration": 0,
"data": null,
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": {
"client_token": "s.XWBIrPzWxZaobgtZRwwV0der",
"accessor": "DSHxCZA9fWVjtKIBmNhEsQ1x",
"policies": [
"token_policies": [
"metadata": null,
"lease_duration": 151200,
"renewable": true,
"entity_id": "",
"token_type": "service",
"orphan": false

Request That A Key Store Be Created For Vendor

Vault can have a specific database or key store per vendor. When a vendor signs up, a new key store is created.


The Key Store will be called <namespace>-store where <namespace> is a variable identifying the Client's project. (eg Key Store name = gravityview-store for GravityView project.). It is in the URI.

To request a new key store for a vendor:

  • API Docs
  • URI - /sys/mounts/<namespace>-store
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"type": "kv",
"description":"Key Store for client X",
"options": {
"version": "1"
  • Example Response: 204 - No Content

Once this is received, create policies for Client Plugin Token and Delete Site permissions:

  1. Policy will be called <namespace>-write-policy where <namespace> is a variable identifying the Client's project. (eg Policy name = gravityview-write-policy for GravityView project.). This is in the URI.
  2. The Key Store name from before <namespace>-store is used in the Request Body.
  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/sys/policies/acl/<namespace>-write-policy
  • HTTP Method - PUT
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"policy": "path \"<namespace>-store/*\" { capabilities = [\"create\", \"update\", \"delete\"]}"
  • Example Response: 204 - No Content


  1. Policy will be called <namespace>-delete-policy where <namespace> is a variable identifying the Client's project. (eg Policy name = gravityview-delete-policy for GravityView project.). This is in the URI.
  2. This policy is used to create a token that extends SaaS privileges to be able to remove Sites from Key Store.
  3. The Key Store name from before <namespace>-store is used in the Request Body.
  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/sys/policies/acl/<namespace>-delete-policy
  • HTTP Method - PUT
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"policy": "path \"<namespace>-store/*\" { capabilities = [\"delete\"]}"
  • Example Response: 204 - No Content


  1. Policy will be called <namespace>-read-policy where <namespace> is a variable identifying the Client's project. (eg Policy name = gravityview-read-policy for GravityView project.). This is in the URI.
  2. This policy is used to create a token for Support-side plugin to read secrets from ONLY <namesspace>-store.
  3. The Key Store name from before <namespace>-store is used in the Request Body.
  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/sys/policies/acl/<namespace>-read-policy
  • HTTP Method - PUT
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"policy": "path \"<namespace>-store/*\" { capabilities = [\"read\"]}"
  • Example Response: 204 - No Content

Request Short-Term Token For Client Plugin To Create Site With

The client plugin will make requests to this app's POST /api/site endpoint to request a token it can use to create site in Vault.

To get that token from Vault:


<namespace>-write-policy in Request Body was defined above and tells the token what it can/can't access

  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/auth/token/create
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"policies": [
"metadata": {
"key": "value",
"ttl": "7d",
"renewable": true,
"display_name": "Write Token",
  • Example Response:
"request_id": "...", // string
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": {
"client_token": "...", // string
"accessor": "...", // string
"policies": [
"gravityview-write-policy" // the policy defining permissions
"token_policies": [
"gravityview-write-policy" // the policy defining permissions
"metadata": null,
"lease_duration": 1296000,
"renewable": true,
"entity_id": "",
"token_type": "service",
"orphan": false

Request Access Logs For A Site

To get access logs for a specific site, app can make a this request to Vault:


This documentation is incomplete. We are working on it.

  • URI - /v1/...
  • HTTP Method - ...
  • Required Headers ...
  • Request Body:
"hi": "roy"
  • Example Response:
"hi": "roy"

Request That A Site Be Removed Form Vault

If the app needs to remove record of a site login, it can make this request to Vault:

First need to create a temporary token with delete permissions. Then use this Token to give SaaS the ability to delete Site info.


<token> (the SaaS token) is used in Headers. <namespace>-delete-policy in Request Body was defined above and tells the token what it can/can't access

To get that token from Vault:

  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/auth/token/create
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"policies": [
"ttl": "1d",
"renewable": false,
"display_name": "Delete Token",
  • Example Response:
"request_id": "...",
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": {
"client_token": "<deleteToken>",
"accessor": "...",
"policies": [
"token_policies": [
"metadata": null,
"lease_duration": 1296000,
"renewable": true,
"entity_id": "",
"token_type": "service",
"orphan": false

Then use that generated token to delete the secret:

  1. <deleteToken> (from above) is used in Headers instead of <token>. 2: <secret-id> is provided from Client-side plugin in the request body sent to SaaS via POST /sites
  • API Docs

  • URI - /v1/<namespace>-store/<secret-id>

  • HTTP Method - DELETE

  • Required Headers 'X-Vault-Token': <deleteToken>

  • Request Body: None

  • Example Response: 204 - No Content

Request Short-Term Token For Support-side Plugin To Read Site data

The support-side plugin will make requests to the SaaS app to get a token it can use to read sites in Vault.

To get that token from Vault:


<namespace>-read-policy in Request Body was defined above and tells the token what it can/can't access

  • API Docs
  • URI - /v1/auth/token/create
  • HTTP Method - POST
  • Required Headers 'Content-Type':'application/json','X-Vault-Token':<token>
  • Request Body:
"policies": [
"ttl": "24h",
"renewable": true,
"display_name": "Support-side Token",
  • Example Response:
"request_id": "...", // string
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": {
"client_token": "...", // string
"accessor": "...", // string
"policies": [
"gravityview-write-policy" // the policy defining permissions
"token_policies": [
"gravityview-write-policy" // the policy defining permissions
"metadata": null,
"lease_duration": 1296000,
"renewable": true,
"entity_id": "",
"token_type": "service",
"orphan": false