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Remote User Authentication

In the TrustedLogin Connector plugin (the support-side plugin), users must log into the SaaS app. This document explains how.

Get The Account's ClientId and Client Secret

Get The Client ID and Secret

Each account has an oAuth client of the password grant type. The vendor side plugin should have settings for API key, Public Key and account id. These are all visible in team settings in SaaS app.

To obtain this information, make a GET request to /api/accounts/<accountId> where accountId is the ID of the account. This request should set, in the X-TL-TOKEN header, the sha256 hash of the public key joined, without spaces to the api key.

$hash = hash( 'sha256', $publicKey . $apiKey );

That response will include clientId and clientSecret. You will need them to login. It also includes the readToken for the team.


Login a User

Then you can use that to make a POST request to request an oath token and the accounts read token to /oauth/token. With this body:

'grant_type' => 'password',
'client_id' => 'client-id', // this is the clientId from above
'client_secret' => 'client-secret', //this is the clientSecret from above
'username' => '', //user name
'password' => 'my-password', //userpassword,
'scopes' => '*'

If the login is successful, a 200 status code and a response like this will be returned:

"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 259199,
"access_token": "very-long-string",
"refresh_token": "also-very-long"

The access_token is very long, and should be stored for later.

Verify Token

To verify that a token is still valid, use it as a bearer token to request user details by making a GET request to api/user.


'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer '. $accessToken,

This will return the current username, ID, and email if valid.